Keep It Simple or Choose a New Color Each Time
Our Most Popular OptionNo matter if you’re looking for the most economical braces option or if you want to go wild and chose a new fun and exciting color to put on your braces at each appointment, metal braces are our most popular choice of braces among our kids and teen patients and even many of our adults. If you’re going to do it, you might as well have fun, right? Patients love to choose from our wide range of colors to create new color combinations and patterns to add a little fun and excitement to their braces. Who doesn’t love to accessorize! Ok, well if you want to keep it simple and more under-the-radar, a simple silver color options will blend right in with the metal braces and be virtually unnoticeable. It’s your smile, so do it any way that you like!
How Do Metal Braces Work?
All braces move teeth the same way. There’s nothing magical about it—it’s biology. Your body and your cells are doing the work. The surgical grade stainless steel braces (or brackets) are glued to the front surfaces of your teeth to act as handles for the wires to place force on the teeth that signals cells in your body to slowly move the teeth through the supporting bone. The cells don’t know or care what the braces are made out of or what they look like. Even with metal braces, the days of “metal mouth” are over because modern orthodontics has made the braces so small and comfortable compared to what they were years ago. Just ask your mom or grandpa what their braces looked like and they will tell you how well off we have it these days!
No matter what kind of braces you choose, there are so many benefits of orthodontic treatment that you will enjoy for a lifetime. If you are interested in learning more about your orthodontic treatment options in Denver, CO, call Helm Orthodontics at 303.371.0371 to request a free consultation with board-certified orthodontist, Dr. Nathan Helm, and his orthodontic team. We look forward to hearing from you!